

The Atelier d’Arte – Bottega del Ritratto  (Atelier of Art – Ancient Atelier of Portrait) was founded in 2015 in Udine. Now, in the eclectic Neapolitan city, this unique reality moves with the intent of experiencing the most authentic dimension of figurative painting.

Besides the personal production, the need to open an area exclusively dedicated to portrait painting was strongly felt. The Bottega del Ritratto precisely matches this need.

Far away from that memorial-triumphal purpose of the first portrait painting, here

portraying is experienced as a first vision to grasp human reality.

An innate desire, out of time, which retraces all the ages.

A need for self-discovery, a need for the discovery of the other.

In an attempt to capture the essence of the person being portrayed, it is possible to stay in the meanderings of the soul. In a work of strong connection that can only live on empathy and exchange.

During the representation of the human subject, of ‘head’, ‘bust’ or ‘full-figure’, the work of the painter must face the three-dimension and transfer it on the support through the pictorial matter.

Through the pose, you be involved into a silent time-space in which nothing can be hidden anymore.

In which the portrait becomes the tale of a person.

In receiving and giving, where the aesthetic tension that lives between disequilibrium and new equilibrium is always the protagonist.

Finally you can give yourself unconditionally, until this experience becomes artwork.

Once a year we organize workshops on different topics:

Materials knowledge and preparation of supports | Watercolor | Oil paint | Portrait painting

Photos by Fulvio Ambrosio

Simone – Watercolor – 35x50cm

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